Organic African Black Soap

Alata samena, as black soap is popularly known in West Africa is an organic skin care product noted for its numerous benefits for all skin types.
Black soap’s natural qualities are evident from its pure organic ingredients and the age old traditional method of preparation.
HandmadeLokal brings you black soap in bulk, in bars and in liquid form, for your organic well-being.

The ingredients include “Genkese” – smoothly ground cocoa pods, palm kernel oil, h2o, as well as hard work and dedication.
Once formed, the mixture goes through saponification. The mixture is pounded and molded into a definite shape, before it’s brought to a boil and left to cure in the sun.
HandmadeLokal brings you black soap in bulk, in bars and in liquid form, for your organic well-being.

Some benefits of black soap include: Deep cleansing, relief from oily and dry skin, acne, eczema and other skin diseases, fights premature facial lines, softens skin, tones blemishes for even skin tone, alleviates razor bumps, aids ex-foliation and reduces wrinkles.
HandmadeLokal brings you black soap in bulk, in bars and in liquid form, for your organic well-being.

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